So what is Soil Restoration Farming?

It is not a product;
It is not a method of farming;
and it is not a belief system.

It represents a movement, a shared understanding that we CAN and MUST restore our soils to their original function through farming.

This is not a NEW idea and it comes with sound science.

It is backed by ALL levels of society – from World Leaders, Universities, Companies, Consumers and Farmers of ALL time.

The problem is that somehow we have lost our way, particularly in the last century, and began destroying our soils like there’s no tomorrow!

Soil Restoration Farming represents the DIRECTION we need to head in, and the REALITY that we need to work together. When I think of working together with a shared purpose, I think it is a bit like raising a child, but in this case, restoring our soils. We need to think like a village. We each have different gifts and therefore, when we come together, we can achieve exponentially more than on our own.”

This was the introductory speech for our inaugural event in 2015 with Dr Christine Jones. Fast-forward to 2021 and the Founders have resurrected this beautiful model, upgraded it to a company and are building the SRF Network.

The SRF Network

The SRF Network brings Farmers, Educators and Coaches together to achieve the SRF purpose.

SRF Purpose

Heal the Planet through Agriculture

Source Idea

Connecting People with Each Other & the Land

Soil Restoration Farming Principles

  • Knowledge-Sharing: Those with expertise, knowledge or experience in an area share what they know to create an asset of collective knowledge. We always strive to give credit to the source of knowledge.
    Synergy: What we create collaboratively is far greater than what we can create on our own. Living in synergy ensures our work and life is far greater than we could ever dream possible.
    People Being their Own Kind of Different: We are all of equal worth. All members are encouraged to contribute in their distinctive way, appreciating differences in roles, education, backgrounds, interests, skills, characters, points of view, etc. It is in our differences, our weirdness or uniqueness that we are likely to find new thinking necessary to solve the complex or wicked problems.
  • Steward Leadership: The Steward Leader is currently the founder, Rachelle and it is her role to steward SRF to it’s greatest expression of wholeness and integrity to the source idea of connection. The leadership style is mostly anti-hierarchical, unless it is necessary to make a decision that protects the integrity of SRF.
  • Self-Organisation: Individuals organise their communal and developmental pathway according to logical steps for the benefit of all, rather than by traditional class-style instruction. Members are responsible for their own actions providing them with more freedom, creating resiliency through independence and self-sufficiency.