Vivienne Cruickshank B. Sc (Biology) M.Appl.Sc (hons).
Nearly 40 years in primary industry from angles as diverse as scientist, grower, educator, coach, parent and compliance across all sectors, has enriched Vivienne’s life and constantly built her understanding of evolving rural New Zealand.
People have been the catalysts, the commitment of primary producers to their properties, their families and their industry. Their passions and innovations have been her biggest educators. Their willingness to work through compliance requirements, to find ways, to observe. It’s the inspiration of rural people that drives her. They demonstrate how farmers and growers in New Zealand are looking for answers and finding pathways to biodiversity, climate change, food sovereignty, farm economics. They are shaping the future of our rural landscape.
They show the way to intergenerational change.
Her motivation and passion is to bring this experience and learning to be a strategic coach to the farmers, growers and other rural operators in their journey to regenerative, organic and forever farming.