SRF was registered in July 2021 during the CoVid pandemic — a time that offered great opportunity for self-reflection. They chose to address the needs of growing the regenerative coaching and consulting community to support farmers. This move built upon their experience and knowledge established in the NutriSoil P/L business that they were monumental in establishing.
During their 15+ years in the biological farming and regenerative agriculture industry, they were instrumental in providing education and awareness campaigns that influenced the growth and transition of many farmers towards farming more regeneratively, with less fossil fuel-based inputs. Constantly on the road with their daughter, Matilda, they built networks of farmers, educators and industry through providing a safe space for people to learn, express their needs and make positive steps away from degenerative industrial farming practices.
The first iteration of Soil Restoration Farming (SRF) was created with Dr Christine Jones ( through a founding event in Western Australia in 2008. The focus was on bringing education and knowledge to farmers to enable them to enhance soil health, eg. through maintaining 100% groundcover and increasing farming diversity. A dozen major events were run over 5yrs in response to farmers’ requests. Each was supported by like-minded industry partners such as companies, natural resource management, grower groups and catchment councils who saw the need to bring healthy soil management and systems to the forefront.
With great advances in the dissemination of education and knowledge in regenerative agriculture, Rachelle and Justin saw that a majority of farmers:
Their other observation was that independent coaches, consultants, agronomists and successful regenerative farmers wanted to support farmers and share their knowledge and experience, but they were on their own.
A 6-week pilot program with 10 participants was run in May/June 2021. This formed the basis for the paid membership Coaching Community which started in September 2021.
As well as a supportive structure for growth and creating a stronger voice, it makes sense to work together, to build a collective intelligence and enhance the regenerative movement.
There are no prerequisites for becoming a member of our community. We celebrate people being their own kind of different and believe that this is the essence of approaching complex problems with new levels of thinking.
The SRF Network is for everyone who wants to be part of the success and development of the regenerative agriculture movement. Email updates are sent when there is news or announcements, and regular updates are on the SRF Facebook and Instagram pages. LINKS
As our Coaching Community grows, we will let you know who our independent coaches are, where to find them and what they offer.
Farmers are invited to join our closed Facebook group “Farmers Who Want to Farm More Regeneratively” where we share what we are trying to achieve, what’s getting in our way and what success looks like.
We also continue to build our Field of Support through connections and collaborations with other awesome people and organisations thus increasing our influence at every touch point.
What do our coaches like most about the SRF Coaching Community?